‘L’altra notte in fondo al mare’ (2020)
Soprano with chamber orchestra
Boito arr. Grace-Evangeline Mason
Duration: 5’30”
Commissioned by the Dutch National Opera, first performed as part of the alternative production ‘FAUST [Working title]’ 2020/21 opening season, Amsterdam, 5th-24th September 2020
A reimagining of the famous ‘prison’ aria ‘L’altra notte in fondo al mare’ from Boito’s ‘Mefistofele’, this arrangement commissioned by the Dutch National Opera for inclusion in the alternative production ‘FAUST [Working title]’ by Lisenka Heijboer Castañon and Manoj Kamps, explores this original material by recomposing it in an intimate and heartfelt way to create a new moment of delicate, perhaps almost private, transcendence. The arrangement aims to maintain the original vocal line from the piece by keeping it completely intact and yet, creates a new and imaginative sound-world surrounding it whilst simultaneously honouring the depths of feeling within the original aria. Working with atmosphere, narrative and texture, this music uses a limited instrumental accompaniment of just muted brass, strings, a small amount of percussion and a rather prolific celeste part to create a distinctively earnest moment in the production of ‘FAUST’ of tender simplicity. ©G.E.M.2020