for Harp
Approx. Duration: 4’
Written for Lauren Scott as part of Psappha Ensemble’s ‘Composing For’ Scheme 2019
‘Glass Cathedrals’ (2019) for solo harp is inspired by the conceptual image of a grand cathedral constructed entirely of glass. The work seeks to create a delicate sound-world to emulate the fragility of the glass structure, contrasted by the use of prevailing, stronger indicatory material to emulate the large, imposing building itself. The piece aims to capture a moment of fleeting, temporary splendour before its great, and expectedly enduring, structure shatters. The melodic content is also inspired by lines from the poem ‘Adonaïs’ by Shelley:
‘Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of eternity’ ©G.E.M.2018
©Cover Image: 'Glass Cathedrals' Painting by Grace-Evangeline Mason 2019
“Tonal, sensuous, and sounds glorious, conveying the idea of “fleeting, temporary splendour” – just like it says on the tin.”
“Do not miss Grace-Evangeline Mason’s glinting Glass Cathedrals for solo harp”
“fragile extended techniques like murmuring bisbigliandi along stolid plaqué chords that conjure images of immensity, even if ephemeral and dying away. It’s absolute magic.”